Thursday, June 23, 2005

Family Ties

DaddyAs Rayner grows, he will become more sensible to his surroundings and the people he interact with.
Parents will become their role model and gradually, he will stick closer to them than everybody else. Till then, when we leaving from Por por's house, he'd cry relunctantly for our departure. I know such moments will come...
Being a role model for a child to learn from is not as easy as we thought. It seem that they learn fast on the bad things you do rather than the good ones.
MummyThe method of teaching,discipline varies from other parents. Reference books and magazines will come in handy for us to learn to coach the child in an appropriate manner.
Nowsadays, beating up a child is no longer the quick solution for discipline matters, where is used to be, during the 70s.
A good explanation on the reasons what things he/she did wrong and what should be the correct way in dong it, help them in differentiate and learn from their mistakes.
There are too many scenarios for what parents should do's and don'ts to be reckon with. Hence, experiences from other parents are good ways to share information that they came across before.Rayner
Getting to know your child well enough is just like baking a cake in the oven; understand the appropriate amount of ingredients added to produce the perfect product you want.
It is not the quantity of time spend with the baby but the quality of the time spend doing social interaction with the baby, in order to help to guide his social and intellectual development.

Parents with only weekends spending with the baby, need to gather sufficient information about their baby from the person who taking care of him/her. From there, they shall able to enchance the content and quality of the interactions between parents and child.


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